The future of climate play


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Mila's favorite solution is helping whales. Find yours!

Humanity! Let's focus on creating a brighter future. No one person, business or government has all the solutions. But together we add up to something powerful!

Play Green House. Simple. Solutions.

Green House is a cooperative card game to help you turn your climate anxiety into hope and action. Every turn starts with an event, but you've got the power in your hands to do something about it.

Plus, each action card is a real life climate solution that someone somewhere in the world is working on right now!

Draw an event.

Start each turn by drawing a climate event. These may be scary, but they can inspire us to action.

Take action.

We’ve packed 64 climate solution cards into this game. Use them to eliminate pollution.

Work together.

You’ll have to team up to clean our skies before running out of money, time, hope, or fresh air.

Win a better future.

If you succeed, you’ll create a path to a clearer, brighter, happier future. One we can all enjoy together.

Ready to start playing? Get your copy today!

Green House is available as a print-and-play, a box set, or a classroom experience. Pick the one that’s right for you and yours.

Card Game - $33

Get a win for yourself and our world! Get the power to have the best conversation you’ve had about the future in awhile.

What you get:

  • Green House box
  • Including: 90 cards, 80 tokens, rule book
Includes shipping to continental US

Print & Play - $10

Jump right in! Go easier on your wallet and the planet. Give yourself the gift of figuring out what you can actually do.

What you get:

  • Printable PDF emailed immediately
  • Including: all game pieces and rule book
Delivered straight to your inbox

School Set - $160

Give your class the gift of hope and wisdom. Power a new generation of climate leaders.

What you get:

  • 5 copies of Green House
  • Classroom and Conversation Guides 
Includes shipping to continental US

What people are saying!

“I love the optimism and focus on solutions. This gets people inspired!

Sustainability Entrepreneur

“The game doesn’t feel political; it feels practical. In my politically divided family we play games all the time. Can we play together?”

Professional Development Leader

"I need to engage learners at all different levels and engender discussion. I love the fact that it brings in the money and hope - that’s just brilliant. Running out of those things is just as bad."

University Professor

"I'm inspired after playing. I'm curious now about using sustainable materials like bamboo in my business."


"You've converted me into an advocate. I can see how I could play with others and make them advocates, too."

Fashion Designer

“I couldn’t stop thinking about how the game mechanics work so well both in the game and as a reflection of the real world.”

Game Designer

“We enjoyed strategizing to lower GHG and not spend money. I loved how I could elaborate with current events on so many event cards.”

 Retired Teacher

“My youngest, who usually pesters me for extra iPad time at lunchtime, insisted we play yet another round of Green House instead. Quite extraordinary—and much appreciated by me.”

 Newspaper Editor

“8-year old approved! My stepdaughter got dozens of fancy toys and games over the holidays and this was basically her favorite. The adults liked it, too!”

Chief Revenue Officer

What's in the box?

All the pieces you’ll need to save us and our world!
30 Climate Tokens
47 Money Tokens
3 Hope Tokens
26 Climate Cause & Effect Event Cards
64 Solution-Focused Action Cards

Wanna know more about how to play?

Don’t change the climate. Change the game. We all face the same events as a result of the climate crisis. Let’s team up and solve them together.

Act now. Debate later.

The planet doesn’t care about our opinions on climate change. So why not clean up our act anyway? It can’t hurt, and it might just help save life as we know it.

Frequently asked questions

What if I’m not a big fan of games?

Green House has 2 ways to play. The cooperative version is quick and easy. It features simple rules and lets you focus on having fun together. After playing the fully cooperative mode, lots of people have told us “I’m not usually a fan of games, but I like this one!”

I’m a serious board game player. Will I like this?

The role-play mode is for you! Play as a Family, Business, Nonprofit, or Government. You get a special power, access to your own set of actions, and have to manage your own money to stay in the game individually. In order to implement your solutions and help save the world, you’ll have to convince others to back you!

What if I don’t know much about climate change?

You don’t have to know anything (but the rules that come in the box) to play. This game is not a quiz about how much you know. (Snooze!) It’s about how we work together to create a better world. (Woo-hoo!)

Who is this game for?

  • People who want more hope. We hear from people all the time after playing “I didn’t realize there were so many solutions.” Everyone has their favorite!
  • Climate advocates that want to engage people where they are and have better conversations with people that aren’t shaming or one-size-fits-all.
  • Teachers and professors who want to give their students a more interactive way to engage with climate change, one that focuses on people and solutions.
  • Kids engaging the adults in their lives to better understand climate change and get into action.
  • Nonprofits and businesses engaging their membership and employees or are doing climate change action planning.
  • Anyone who wants to spend a bit of time with climate change that’s future-focused and fun, not doom and gloom.

Climate change scares me!

Wait, is that a question? Yes. It’s probably the biggest uncertainty of our time. Climate change scares us, too. This game doesn’t focus on the scary events. Yes, they are part of the game, just like they are part of our lives to some extent now.  But it feels a lot better, and it's more exciting, to look at all the amazing actions out there to help solve this problem.

Is this for my kid? My classroom?

This game scales for early elementary all the way to life long learners.

Simple addition and subtraction are all that are needed at its most basic to play this game. The visuals help engage younger kids. For older learners, there are facts on the cards to grow understanding and vocabulary. Plus the role-playing mode of the game adds extra complexity and cooperation.  

What’s up with the QR codes?

Each action card features a real life climate solution that someone, somewhere in the world is already working on. Scan the QR code (or just visit our website), to “learn more” and even “take action”.

Can humanity win this game, for real?

Yes! We have all the solutions we need. So what's the problem? We just need to all start playing more of them, in our homes, our workplaces, our faith communities, and our cities, states, and nations. Join in, and get in the game!

Looking for climate solutions?

We've got 74 and counting!

Get in touch

Are you interested in facilitated game sessions tailored to your organization / event?

Do you have a climate solution you want included in a future update?

Tell us more!

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Meet the Creators

Alix Dvorak: Climate Advocate, Avid Game Player

Alix is a consultant and climate advocate. She envisions the future - full of equity, clean tech, and nature - then she works to do her part. While she’s new to creating games, she’s always loved playing them with friends and family.
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Adam Lupu: Game Designer, STEM Educator

A former Earth Science Teacher, Adam designs games and builds businesses. He specializes in tackling really big problems (like climate change and global skills gaps) with innovative media and software solutions.
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Meet the Design Team


Eli T. Nartey is a Freelance Illustrator & Animator who goes by the handle: Eli Inkman. He loves creating art to tell stories!
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A full-time graphic designer and creative director based in Philadelphia, PA, Brigette has 10 years of design experience, including 5 in the board game industry.
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Michael has worked across tech, policy, design, and entrepreneurship to build self-sovereign communities in North America and Africa. He creates websites and Limitless Harmony.
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Meet the Dev Team


An activist, programmer, and creative located in the Twin Cities, Mikayla can be found biking along the Mississippi, stopping often to look at the waterfalls.
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Tanner works at the intersections of education, technology, politics, and social-economic justice. Most recently, he led engineering at Swayable (YC 2018).
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A web developer by trade, Amber is passionately designing and engineering solutions to environmental and social problems.
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